Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog Post #2- Act I

A foil is a character who has qualities that are in sharp contrast to another character, thus emphasizing the traits of each. How is Mercutio a foil to Romeo?

Romeo and Mercutio are foils to each other because they have some similar traits.  One of Mercutio traits is he talks almost like it is a riddle.  He uses a lot of metaphors and figurative language when he talks.  Romeo talks in this same style.  They both have a wide vocabulary.  Mercutio is a little bit crazy and Romeo is depressed because of love.  They are both probably not the same as they used to be.  Mercutio had a little bit of a party himself, just as Romeo attended the Capulet party and fell in love with Juliet.  Although Romeo is more sophisticated, since he is a Montague, he and Mercutio have a lot of similarities.

Good drama has conflict: struggle between opposing forces. What conflicts are set in motion by the events in Act I, Scene v?

One of the conflicts that are set in motion during Act I Scene V is at the party when Tybalt discovers that Romeo and Benvolio are at the Capulet party.  Tybalt thinks that Romeo and Benvolio are spies for the Montague house, but really Romeo just want to see Rosaline.  Benvolio wants Romeo to see that there are other fish in the sea, and to look at more women.  Tybalt asks a servant to get is rapier (a sword) and then asks his uncle, Lord Capulet, if he can kill them.  Lord Capulet says there innocent and to leave them alone.  Romeo then spots a woman (Juliet) and it is love at first sight.  He then takes her behind a wall and kisses her twice.  They are in love at first sight.  There were two conflicts in Act I Scene V.  These two conflicts took place at the party the Capulets had. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Post #1: What does fate mean to me?

In my opinion, fate is not real.  There nothing that can control your actions but you and  your brain.  I mean really, I guess there may be a little fate involved, but really your the only one that makes your decisions.  Also sometimes your friends and family could  tell you to do things like what to eat and what to wear, or even the things you do and the places you go.

In some cases, fate could be real.  You just have to be in the right place at the right time.  Say that there was a buy-two get-three free deal on a twelve pack of soda at the grocery store.  That is fate becuase you were at the right store on the right day.  You see, whether or not you believe in fate, I think it all depends where you are and at what time.